Lee Vass, Broker-Owner
PHONE:  (850) 545-3439 DIRECT:  (850) 545-3439
3005 Shamrock South, Tallahassee, FL 32309

Rent vs. Buy Calculator

This calculator can help you to compare the costs of renting to the costs of buying a home. Because there are other factors to consider, (interest, property taxes, tax savings, appreciation, opportunity costs, closing costs, selling costs, etc.) it is complicated to compare the cost of renting to the cost of buying. This calculator attempts to take all of these factors into consideration in order for you to make an informed decision.

Help Buttons: For further explanation of any of the entry fields, click on the question mark to the left.

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Lee Vass
Lee Vass Realty of Tallahassee
Ph: (850) 545-3439
3005 Shamrock South
Tallahassee, FL 32309 US
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